What I learned this week: Design Thinking
A weekly reflection of what I learned during my final semester project development:
The first task is to understand Design thinking and choose the right design thinking methodological approaches to get started.
What is Design Thinking ?
Design Thinking is referred to as outside the box thinking, here designers try to attempt creating a new solution to the problem rather than trying standard problem-solving techniques. The main fundamental characteristic of Design Thinking is its human-centred approach i.e., users are involved at each stage of executing the process.
There is list of Design thinking methodological approaches available they are
1. The 5-Stage Design Thinking Process — d.school
2. The Early Traditional Design Process — Herbert Simon
3. Head, Heart and Hand — AIGA
4. Deep Dive™ Methodology — IDEO
5. The 3-Stage Design Thinking Process — IDEO
6. Design Kit: The Human-Centered Design Toolkit — IDEO
7. The “Double Diamond” Design Process Model — Design Council
8. Collective Action Toolkit (CAT) — Frog Design
9. Designing for Growth — Jeanne Liedtka & Tim Ogilvie
10. The LUMA System of Innovation — LUMA Institute
Among all These the most widely used design thinking methodological approaches are
1. Double Diamond Model
2. Google Design Sprint
Double Diamond Model:
Double diamond model was created by British council in 2005.
Google Design Sprint:
Google Design Sprint was created by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz for Google Ventures.
Why I choose Double Diamond Model:
1️⃣Putting users first , Help to find and ensure the actual needs and problem of the users by directly analysing them.
2️⃣Purely focused on Design a service , other methods felt little focused on management and business focused.
3️⃣ To succeed at each stage of the process requires good understanding of some information about your users.
Which is best ?
well, it depends
All the methodological approaches can be applied to any service development and all the tools are available easily online. There is no perfect framework for any project .